




An online catalog of vegan products designed to assist vegans in exploring available vegan products on the market.


Passion Project

My Role:

UX/UI Designer



Service Provided:

UX/UI Design, App Design

Three screens of the mobile app


In a country where the vegan movement is still gaining traction, Serbia faces a significant challenge with the identification of vegan products. The absence of clear labeling and the absence of the universally recognized symbol for vegan products contribute to the difficulties faced by vegans in Serbia. The lack of easily accessible information results in vegans having to invest substantial time and effort into verifying ingredients before purchasing, disrupting their shopping experiences.

A screenshot of the app's home screen

Design Process

In order to approach this problem holistically, I used Design Thinking problem-solving methodology. It's iterative nature allowed me to continuously refine my design based on user feedback and evolving user needs.

  1. Empathize (surveys, user interviews, empathy mapping)

  2. Define (user persona, problem statement)

  3. Ideate (user flow, feature brainstorming, MoSCoW analysis, sketching)

  4. Mid-fidelity prototype

  5. Usability testing

  6. Iterate and refine (design system, hi-fi prototype)

Two screenshots of the app's home & filter screens

Solution impact

  • Simplified vegan lifestyle: justVegan streamlines the process of discovering vegan products, making it easier for users to find suitable options, which can lead to a broader adoption of veganism.

  • Time and effort savings: Having an organized database of vegan products can significantly reduce shopping stress and save users valuable time.

  • Empowerment and knowledge: justVegan's educational features, such as ingredient insights, empower users with knowledge about hidden non-vegan ingredients.

  • Community engagement: The collaborative nature of justVegan, where users can contribute and share their favourite products, can foster a sense of community among vegans.